Pierre H. Dixneuf
University of Rennes, France
Talk Title: Catalysis a key to Functional Polypyridines, Phosphines and Fused Heterocycles

Wonwoo Nam
Ewha Womans University, S. Korea
Talk Title: Biomimetic Metal-Oxygen Intermediates in Dioxygen Activation and Formation Chemistry

Mi Hee Lim
KAIST, S. Korea
Talk Title: Bioinorganic Strategies to Study Multiple Facets in Alzheimer’s Disease

Mei-Hung Chiu
National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Talk Title: Cultivating modeling and systems thinking Competence in chemistry education

Sibel Erduran
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Talk Title: Chemistry Education for the Post-Pandemic Era: Towards a Holistic Account of Chemistry in Secondary Schools

Ron Blonder
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Talk Title: Introducing contemporary research topics into school science programs

Taek Dong Chung
Seoul National University, South Korea
Talk Title: Bi-directional communication between neuronal systems and electrochemical devices

Shyam Mohapatra
University of South Florida, USA
Talk Title: Designer RNA Nanomedicines for Health and Disease: the State-of-the-Art

Robert S Marks
Ben-Gurion University of The Negev, Israel
Talk Title: A phagocyte-based immunoassay-cell-bioassay test for the triage of pathogenic phyla at the Emergency Department

Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci
Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria
Talk Title: Conversion of solar energy into artificial and CO2 neutral fuels

Ratneshwar Lal
UC San Diego, Jacobs School of Engineering, USA
Talk Title: Nano-biosensors for global health: life in your hand

Ehud Keinan
Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Talk Title: Total synthesis of spherical containers and anion transporters

Michael Anthony Morris
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Talk Title: Materials Chemistry and Sustainability

Tanja Junkers
Monash University, Australia
Talk Title: The rise of the machines: Rethinking how we do polymer synthesis

Richard Hall-Wilton
Fondaizone Bruno Kessler, Italy
Talk Title: Micro- and Nano- Fabrication & Quantum Technology: Towards Applications

Yadollah Yamini
Tarbiat Modares University, Iran
Talk Title: Electrically filed induced solid phase microextraction techniques

Zoltan Mester
National Research Council of Canada, Canada
Talk Title: Alternative protein industries: challenges and opportunities

Reşat Apak
Istanbul University Cerrahpasa, Türkiye
Talk Title: Principles, applications and limitations of spectroscopic sensor and nanosensor design

Shu Kobayashi
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Talk Title: Environment, Human Health, and Energy: Catalysts Play Key Roles Toward Sustainable Society

Saim Özkar
Middle East Technical University, Türkiye
Talk Title: How to increase the catalytic efficacy of palladium in hydrolytic dehydrogenation of ammonia borane

Hai-Long Jiang
University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), China
Talk Title: Microenvironment Modulation (MEM) in Metal-Organic Frameworks for Catalysis

Juyoung Yoon
Ewha Womans University, S. Korea
Talk Title: Recent Progress on activatable photosensitizers and fluorescent probes

Engin Umut Akkaya
Dalian University of Technology, China
Talk Title: Therapeutic Potential of Chemically Generated Singlet Oxygen

Turan Öztürk
Istanbul Technical University, Türkiye
Talk Title: Easy Modifications of Thienothiophene and Dithienothiophene for Multiple Applications in Organic Material Chemistry; Recent Advances

Satoshi Maeda
Hokkaido University, Japan
Talk Title: Reactivity Prediction through Quantum Chemical Calculations

Viktorya Aviyente
Boğaziçi University, Türkiye
Talk Title: Modeling The Selectivity and Reactivity of Single Site Catalysts

Syuji Fujii
Osaka Institute of Technology, Japan
Talk Title: Liquid marble engineering: from nature to materials

Nurettin Şahiner
University of South Florida, USA
Çanakkale 18 Mart University, Turkey
Talk Title: Truncated Cone Structured Networks Using Cyclodextrin Moieties at Different Dimensions, Porosity, and Morphology, and Their Applications

İskender Yılgör
KOÇ University, Türkiye
Talk Title: Polyurethanes: A Toolbox for Innovative Materials

İsmail Koyuncu
Talk Title: Circular Economy Approach in Environmental Pollution Control: Water, Energy, and Chemical Recovery

Mohd Hafiz Dzarfan Othman
University of Technology Malaysia, Malaysia
Talk Title: Innovative hollow fiber membrane for water treatment

Ali Reza Khataee
Talk Title: Advanced oxidation processes using layered double hydroxides
FACS Awards Recipients

Chi-Huey Wong
Scripps Family Chair Professor
Department of Chemistry, The Scripps Research Institute
Talk Title: Recent Advances in Synthetic Carbohydrate Chemistry and Translational Medicine

Richard Hartshorn
University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
Talk Title: So, what are we doing with data? The world is moving ahead in leaps and bounds… and we need to prepare our students for this

Chang Yun Son
Department of Chemistry
Pohang University of Science and Technology
Talk Title: Designing novel nano structures, polymer electrolytes, and biomacromolecules through predictive molecular simulations

Supawan Tantayanon
Talk Title: Cultivating small-scale chemistry in secondary schools in Asia